My new handphone
I have bought myself a new handphone lately because my old Nokia has been bugging me with quite a number of problems. I have many customers complaining to me that they cannot call me when my phone is actually switched on with full signal bar. Rubbing salt onto my wound, surprisingly Maxis doesn't SMS me back about my missed calls too.
When I am on the line with a customer, I keep getting dropped calls. Initially I thought all this problem was from Maxis but then I tried to use an old handphone and it worked fine without any problem. I wanted to continue using the line with that phone but Elaine wanted to use that phone instead. I ended up having to get a new phone.
After much looking around and many rounds of trips to Low Yat and Sg Wang, in the end I have decided to get myself a Sony Ericsson G900
Although the phone that I am buying is already past the promotion period, I still got the free SE Bluetooth headset as well as the 2GB M2 card although it is no longer stated on the box :D