Daddy is very sad to inform that daddy will not get to see much of Keith boy anymore. All can be said is, mommy had remained the same person, the reason daddy chose to leave your side.......... again!!!!! YES, AGAIN!!!!!! DADDY CHOSE TO LEAVE.....
Daddy’s guilt is Keith boy is the one being affected by our adult problem. Daddy’s heart is indeed very heavy when daddy saw Keith boy. Keith boy kept holding onto daddy’s hand, and pulling daddy to go with Keith boy, as things were before. Sadly, it is not……. I am really sorry to my precious beloved boy.
Keith, Daddy is really sorry that daddy cannot be there to accompany Keith boy to play or to go window shopping as we have before.
The court order that was finalized had ordered, actually that condition was what your mommy had demanded for our divorce, that for daddy to only see Keith boy fortnightly at a specific day and specific time only, your mommy or a representative has to be present, mind you this condition also applies to Ah Ku or Grandma, as per requested by your mommy although not stated in the decree.
Daddy hopes that Keith boy will not see that your Daddy as bad-mouthing mommy. Daddy does hope that Keith boy is going to be raised up well and mommy will see the light of the need for both of us to see each other.
As money had always been a concern and your daddy used to exist in this world only as a “money-making tool”, daddy has been busy with work and mommy had indeed made it very hard for daddy to see Keith boy.
Daddy had always loved Keith boy and will always do. Please understand that daddy had never intended to abandon Keith boy in anyway. Daddy is very sorry that daddy and mommy's problem had caused Keith boy not to have a normal family. Daddy had tried very hard to make good of the whole situation but always ends up with the same result and problems.
If Keith boy ever needed anything, just give daddy a call. For now, daddy will just have to bear with the pain, living without seeing Keith, until Keith is much older and can decide for ownself, because of a very selfish act.
Now daddy just hopes that there won’t be any mind poisoning, happening to Keith boy. Daddy does agree that daddy’s decision to move on with daddy’s life has indeed affected Keith boy’s life. But Daddy do hope that Keith boy would realise that we each are given a choice and we decide it all on what our heart tells us to. When love is dead, please understand that the heart is not once broken (a single crack), it is already in pieces.
This blog is daddy’s only way of letting Keith boy to find out daddy’s part of the truth. Daddy will leave it to Keith boy to find the truth for own self.